Register Now!

Please register as soon as possible for the convention, so we can be sure to have enough space for everyone!.

Reserve your room today! (Code Changed)

| | Friday, September 9, 2011

The code is SDW.

I hope you have registered for the party already, but if you haven't, please take a few seconds to do that.

Once you have done that, reserve your room!

We have had success in the past with the Holiday Inn downtown, which is about a 5 min drive from the Lowe Mill where we will be having the party.

Here is the information on booking:
Call: 1-800-Holiday (465-4329)
Use the Group Code: SDW

The rate should be $89 a night and good from thursday-sunday nights.

They are getting booked pretty fast for that weekend, so I urge you to make reservations ASAP. If they fill up, we will find another place to stay close by.


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