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Please register as soon as possible for the convention, so we can be sure to have enough space for everyone!.

Now that the DWPP Over.. How did it go?

| | Thursday, October 13, 2011


We can't thank all the attendees enough.   Matter of fact, we're officially changing the name from attendess to Friendees, because that's what you are!!  You made this weekend a very special weekend, that I'll never forget.  Almost as special as winning the TF2 2v2 with my pal Moot!  Classic.

Also, I can't forget to thank all the sponsors.  They really outdid themselves with the amount of swag and prizes that were given to give out to the friendees.  Seriously.  We had to make up some new games to give away some of the stuff.  Vintage!

Look out next year, when we take DC by storm!  That's right.  We will be heading to the capital and really take politicon to the next level! 

We'll see if we can get links to all the pics and videos to add to this site, and continue to do that each year so we have a dedicated area to keep track of the DWPP in the future.  So, keep this site handy.   We'll get a form set up soon for you to sign up and get notified when there is something new!

Thanks again everyone!!  You all are Classic.  Vintage, even.


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